[0001 [0099 [0000 Ec[000000]LBacreB an area of land equal to 43,560 square feet Ec[000000]f[16]LBactive volcanoB a volcano that is under constant, subterranean pressure Ec[000000]f[16]LBaerospaceB the field that deals with the science of sending vehicles into the atmosphere and beyond Ec[000000]f[16]LBaqueductB a structure, usually a channel or pipe, built to carry water over long distances Ec[000000]f[16]LBbasinB a depression in the land that is wide and shallow in form Ec[000000]f[16]LBbayB part of the sea that extends into the land Ec[000000]f[16]LBbountifulB the state of being plentiful; abundant Ec[000000]f[16]LBcable carB a trolley that is pulled by means of an overhead cable Ec[000000]f[16]LBcampusB the grounds of a college, university, or other educational institution Ec[000000]f[16]LBcanalB any man-made channel used for the movement of boats or to carry water for irrigation Ec[000000]f[16]LBcapitalB a city serving as the official headquarters of a nation, state, or province Ec[000000]f[16]LBcarpenterB a worker who makes objects from wood Ec[000000]f[16]LBcascadeB one in a series of small waterfalls Ec[000000]f[16]LBclaimB legal permission to work or occupy a piece of land; used especially in mining Ec[000000]f[16]LBclimateB the weather characteristic of a certain place, including rainfall, heat, coldness, and dryness Ec[000000]f[16]LBclipper shipB a large sailing vessel especially made to move swiftly across water Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoastal plainB a flat piece of land extending along a coast Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoastlineB the area of land that directly touches the ocean or sea Ec[000000]f[16]LBcomputer chipB a small ceramic chip that contains circuits used to run a computer Ec[000000]f[16]LBcomputerB an electronic machine that processes, stores, and retrieves information entered into it Ec[000000]f[16]LBcontinentB one of the seven great masses of land on earth Ec[000000]f[16]LBcordilleraB a chain or range of mountains extending a considerable distance Ec[000000]f[16]LBcosmopolitanB having to do with all parts of the world; a place where people of many nations are welcome Ec[000000]f[16]LBdesertB a place that has little rainfall or vegetation Ec[000000]f[16]LBditchB a narrow, long excavation, usually used to carry water for a considerable distance Ec[000000]f[16]LBdormant volcanoB a volcano that is temporarily inactive Ec[000000]f[16]LBearthquakeB an earth tremor, often caused by internal pressure in the earth Ec[000000]f[16]LBecologyB the sum of relationships between living things and their environment Ec[000000]f[16]LBeruptB to break or burst out of something Ec[000000]f[16]LBEuropeansB anyone originating from the continent of Europe Ec[000000]f[16]LBexplorerB a person who travels a certain distance in order to discover or visit an unknown area Ec[000000]f[16]LBFahrenheitB a system of measuring temperature, using 32 degrees as the freezing point and 212 degrees as the boiling point Ec[000000]f[16]LBfault lineB the direction that a fault in the earth takes Ec[000000]f[16]LBfaultB a fracture or break in bedrock along which movement has taken place Ec[000000]f[16]LBfood-processing plantsB factories where raw foodstuffs are prepared and packaged for sale Ec[000000]f[16]LBforty-ninerB any person who headed for California in 1849 to find gold Ec[000000]f[16]LBfriarB a brother or member of any of the religious orders of the Roman Catholic Church Ec[000000]f[16]LBfur traderB a trader who deals in the pelts of fur-bearing animals Ec[000000]f[16]LBgatewayB the way to get to something or someplace Ec[000000]f[16]LBghost townB usually, a mining settlement that has been abandoned and left deserted; it also can mean any abandoned town Ec[000000]f[16]LBglacierB a mass of snow or ice located in a high mountain valley Ec[000000]f[16]LBgold rushB the hasty travel to a place that is said to be rich with goldfields Ec[000000]f[16]LBhunting and gatheringB an early stage of cultural development, when people survived by hunting animals and gathering fruits and nuts to eat Ec[000000]f[16]LBimmigrantsB those persons who have moved from one country to find a home in another country Ec[000000]f[16]LBinfiniteB an unlimited amount Ec[000000]f[16]LBinhabitantsB those who live permanently in a certain area Ec[000000]f[16]LBinlandB away from the coast; not near the shoreline Ec[000000]f[16]LBinletB a narrow strip of water entering the land from a larger body of water Ec[000000]f[16]LBinteriorB land that is located inward from the coast Ec[000000]f[16]LBirrigationB the method of supplying water to land or crops, by means of canals or extensive sprinkler systems Ec[000000]f[16]LBlandmarkB a building or object that is outstanding or has historical significance, and is set aside for preservation as such Ec[000000]f[16]LBloggingB the task of cutting down trees, sawing them, and shipping them for sale Ec[000000]f[16]LBlowlandB area or region that is lower than the surrounding countryside Ec[000000]f[16]LBmansionB a very large and luxurious house Ec[000000]f[16]LBmaritimeB having to do with the sea, as in a climate Ec[000000]f[16]LBmegalopolisB a very large urban area that includes the surrounding suburbs Ec[000000]f[16]LBmetropolitan areaB the entire region that is influenced or connected to a major city, including that city Ec[000000]f[16]LBmineralB any natural substance obtainable by mining the earth Ec[000000]f[16]LBmissionB a station or settlement of a religious group, with the intention of helping those living nearby Ec[000000]f[16]LBmonumentB an object or structure set up to commemorate a particular person, thing, or event Ec[000000]f[16]LBmouthB the ending point of a river; usually, where the river empties into the sea or ocean Ec[000000]f[16]LBnatural gasB a gas found in nature that is combustible and usable as fuel Ec[000000]f[16]LBnavigatorB any person in charge of navigating or guiding a ship, airplane, or spacecraft Ec[000000]f[16]LBOlympic MountainsB a section of the Coast Ranges on the Olympic Peninsula Ec[000000]f[16]LBparcelB a group of things Ec[000000]f[16]LBpeninsulaB land that is surrounded by water on all of its sides but one Ec[000000]f[16]LBpioneerB a person who explores or settles in a wilderness area Ec[000000]f[16]LBplateauB a level plain in the mountains, usually high above sea level Ec[000000]f[16]LBpollutionB the dirtying of the environment through smoke, chemical spills, or improper waste disposal, industrial emissions, and other causes Ec[000000]f[16]LBprecipitationB the falling of moisture in the form of rain, hail, sleet, or snow Ec[000000]f[16]LBpresidioB an armed fort established by Spain in any of the Americas Ec[000000]f[16]LBprospectorsB individuals who search for signs of precious minerals in order to mine them Ec[000000]f[16]LBpyramidB a solid structure with a polygon or square ground plan as its base, and triangular sides Ec[000000]f[16]LBrain forestB any tropical forest that receives at least 100 inches of rain per year Ec[000000]f[16]LBrangeB a row or series of mountains Ec[000000]f[16]LBredwoodB an evergreen tree of California and Oregon; sequoia Ec[000000]f[16]LBreservationB land reserved by the federal government solely for the use of Native Americans Ec[000000]f[16]LBreservoirB any place that is used to collect and store water Ec[000000]f[16]LBrouteB any established path or course leading to some end point Ec[000000]f[16]LBsawmillB a place where logs are sawed by machines into usable forms Ec[000000]f[16]LBseafoodB any marine fish or shellfish that can be consumed by people Ec[000000]f[16]LBseaportB a town on the ocean or sea, where shipping is the main occupation Ec[000000]f[16]LBsiliconB an element found only in combination with other elements, chiefly silica with oxygen Ec[000000]f[16]LBsoundB an inlet or arm of the sea Ec[000000]f[16]LBstagecoachB a horse-drawn vehicle with four wheels that was used in the Old West to carry passengers Ec[000000]f[16]LBstate capitalB the official government center of a state Ec[000000]f[16]LBtechniquesB special methods or systems used to carry out a task Ec[000000]f[16]LBtrading postB the store of a trader or merchant, especially in the Old West Ec[000000]f[16]LBtreasureB a precious item or idea Ec[000000]f[16]LBtreatyB a formal agreement negotiated between two or more nations to settle a dispute Ec[000000]f[16]LBuniqueB singular or one of a kind Ec[000000]f[16]LBunspoiledB something that is natural and has not been disturbed by outside influences Ec[000000]f[16]LBupriverB the area that is upstream from a given point of a river Ec[000000]f[16]LBuraniumB a radioactive, metallic element that is processed and used as fuel for atomic reactors Ec[000000]f[16]LBurban areaB any area belonging to a city or large town Ec[000000]f[16]LBurban beltB a chain of large towns or cities that are more or less connected to each other Ec[000000]f[16]LBurbanizedB the state of being turned into a large city or urban area Ec[000000]f[16]LBvillaB a large, comfortable house that sits apart from others Ec[000000]f[16]LBvolcanoB an opening in the crust of the earth through which steam, lava, or ashes may issue Ec[000000]f[16]LBYosemite National ParkB a national park located in east-central California, that features many notable waterfalls